the way i see it isn't necessarily the way you see it

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pick ME

I am a figure of intelligence. I have memorized the digits of pi, while inventing Braille and Morse code. I cease to score less than 100.278 percent on each test, quiz, and exam I write. I have mastered every iPod app involving numbers, puzzles, and accuracy. My GPA is 5.0 and I compose speeches for famous orators on a regular basis. While vacationing in the Easter Islands, I discovered a new species, the "Wallamboquailrat", a combination of a wallabee, bison, quail, and rat. I can have an entire conversation without using the words "I, the, and, a, it and yes". I invented the spoon.

I am a figure of skill. I am the original MacGyver. I have slayed the most malicious predators using only a Hermès handbag and a pinecone. I have snagged every Hugo Boss model's phone number, along with their hearts (figuratively, of course). I can walk in 8-inch stillettos while carrying seven caramel macchiatos, chatting aimlessly on my celllphone, and juggling a few tennis balls for sport. I design all collections for Chanel.

I am the best decision you'll ever make.

1 comment:

  1. 4 of 4 assignments complete. Writing is quite polished. Vary your sentence structure in your application - too many sentences begin with "I".
